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Esfahan, Iran

Date Syrup


Date Syrup

Date Syrup, is one of the most delectable and healthy sources of natural sweetness that originates from the heart of palm trees. This syrup is recognized as a natural choice for adding sweetness to dishes and beverages, boasting numerous advantages and applications that make it suitable for both health and the enjoyment of the natural flavors of your food.

Premium Date Syrup

282 Cal

Specialized Details


Date Syrup is a natural source of sweetness without the addition of sugar or additives. By extracting syrup from the dates, this product provides the joy of sweetness without the need for chemical ingredients.

  • Natural Sweetness:

Date Syrup is a natural source of sweetness without the addition of sugar or additives. By extracting syrup from the dates, this product provides the joy of sweetness without the need for chemical ingredients.

  • Rich in Minerals:

Date Syrup contains essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and copper, vital for maintaining cardiovascular health and the balance of electrolytes in the body.

  • Natural Energy Source:

Date Syrup serves as a valuable source of energy, injecting vitality into the body. Use it as a positive energy boost throughout the day and even during periods of physical activity.

  • Versatile Uses:

Date Syrup is ideal for individuals who abstain from industrial sweeteners due to dietary restrictions. It can be used as a garnish or sweetener in various dishes and beverages, including fruit juices, yogurt, and desserts.

  • Natural Taste:

Date Syrup features a rich and natural date flavor that imparts a unique taste and aroma to your dishes and desserts.

Date Syrup
550 g
Minimum Export Quantity
25,000 Kg
Expire date
1 years
Suitable For
Cooking and baking different foods
Rich in
B vitamins, iron
Storage Method
Store in a dry and cool place
Nutritional Value per 100g
Calories: 282, Carbohydrates: 74.9 g, Protein: 2.0 g, Fat: 0.5 g
  • Adding to breakfast items, desserts, and various dishes for natural sweetness.
  • As a garnish in fruit juices and yogurt.
  • Suitable for cooking and preparing various dishes.
  • A natural sweetener for coffee or tea.
  • Preparing homemade culinary specialties.